Types of technologies
Envisioning defines technologies as things created by humans to solve problems. In order to better classify our object of study, we've also specified seven types of technology:
A solution that combines techniques and artifacts. It differs from other types of technologies that have mainly physical or intangible aspects related to it.
Business Model
A set of processes aiming to create economic, cultural and social value.
A set of methods, rules and standards that define a specific language.
Tools, machinery, wiring and other physical components of a computer or other electronic.
A collection of independent data or algorithmic applied instructions to define how a hardware should function.
Specifications to regulate the practices of management goals and behaviours.
Human-made resources matter fitted to provide a set of products to a supply chain.
Editors are responsile to pick a single taxonomy that better defines the selected technology while editing the technology card.
Analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively, a system is a complex gathering support or platform for physical and behavioural subjects. It is a purposeful network of interrelated and interdependent elements that continually influence, directly or indirectly, one another in order to keep the endurance of the system itself. Every kind of system has inputs and outputs, both physical and behavioural as well.
Rapid Liquid Printing: combines a software that is able to read the digital prototype (technique) and a physical printing (artifact) that has the power to translate the concept into an object.
AI-Powered Radiography: consists on a hardware that is able to scan objects and to analyse software that can make sense of this information.
Business Model
An economic concept which “produces“ revenues and costs. It is a set of activities, which create profit due to the cooperation of processes and techniques. A purely economic view of the business model does not represent a complex view on the company, where, in other words, social and administrative strategies are highly related to the model applied. All in all, the business model is a system made of different types of resources and activities, able to create a value that is useful for society in general and the sale of this value comes as not necessarily monetary outcome.
Adaptable Production: Current sales models are based on promoting sales of already existing products. This emerging technology creates new grounds for the practice since it implies a way deeper knowledge of the demand.
Attention Economy: A new type of economy that is based on the selling of attention can be considered a business model since it implies the generation of value from new processes
They have predetermined orderly arrangements, that can be created by the hands of humans or by the intelligence of artificial beings. They can be implemented in different layers and are designed to create a language in networked environments.
Hypermedia Distribution Protocol: A predetermined language operation as HTTP, however is designed to connect several different network layers and terms faster than any other protocol.
Smart Contract: a private blockchain device that stands based on a set of rules and standards to fit on personal and private deals between businesses inside of the blockchain network.
A physical matter connected to a computer or a tangible subject. Without any hardware, a computer would not function and a software would have nothing to run on. In this sense, hardware serve as the delivery system for software solutions. The hardware of a computer is infrequently changed, in comparison with software and data, which are “soft” in the sense that they are readily created, modified, or erased.
Physical Cryptography: Physical representation of intangible protocols and softwares.
Modular Hardware: Physical platform that manages several processors and organizes softwares and protocols without the need of maintenance.
Software is a logical rather than a physical element. Mainly, software is developed or engineered to encompass programs that execute within a computer of any size, architecture documents that encompass hard-copy and virtual forms. It combines numbers and text but also includes representations of pictorial, video, and audio data.
AI-powered Interrogation Software: Supported by audio, video and pictorial hardwares for building a cloud of gathered data, this independent, powered AI software generates conclusions autonomously.
Predictive Analytics Trading: Prediction algorithms based on software autonomy and logical applications over different types of hardware.
Policies are a derived statement set of goals and definitions to be derived on practices of management. It is intended to initiate or change characteristics of ongoing management and government activities, whereas specifying the behavior of an overall environment at a higher level of abstraction and more appropriate techniques for enterprise tasks. To summarize, policies may be used to define a domain but may also be applied to a domain of objects; policies are an active concept to hold dominion.
Feminization of Agriculture Policy: Regulation tool of ethical practices designed to include behaviour policies inside of agriculture sector.
Life Extension Policy: A prevention statement for the application of life extension practices to determine behaviours and goals for future appropriate techniques.
Highly dependent on energy resources to supply its development, materials includes the mining and refining of metals, chemical products and forest management products. This classification is relies on the business cycle due to its significance in basic industry operations, such as natural gas, crude oil and coal qualification, or event the natural state of refined products as much as gasoline. The subjectification of this classification it is associated with the law of supply and demand in the same way as consumer goods, as for instance, the demand for the raw materials involved in the production of those goods also decreases.
Graphene: Chemical compound transformed into a basic material for the creation of several flexible products.
Methane Hydrate: Chemical compound transformed into fuel material to supply gas in a more efficient way.
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