8. Narrate

Creating compelling narratives

Once the technologies are divided into clusters, it is time to create a compelling and innovative narrative based on the collected data throughout the research process. To ease the process and hold an editorial line, the narratives must follow the structure below:


A settling title that resumes what comes next.


A summary that collects the primary data presented by the description.


A didactic essay involving in-depth discussions regarding the topics of a specific cluster. It must always follow the structure below:

  • Introduction

  • Summary

  • Drivers

  • Technological trends

  • Challenges and Opportunities

  • Future Perspectives



Slogans are a one-line summary of the trend or taxonomic cluster. They must be short, didactic and creative.



Cluster descriptions should have an essayistic approach, which means they should not argument one single line of thought, but leave open scenarios and alternatives instead. The goal of these essays is to share possible insights regarding the impact of technological developments over multiple aspects, not to predict the future. Expressions such as if, might and have the potential to, are preferable over more unrelenting statements.


In order to create instigating scenarios, researchers and editors can use some resources to corroborate the research conclusions by using the following code lines for:

Links can be applied to the cluster text to corroborate insights. It is important that these links are well-curated from sources such as full reports from renowned organizations, statistics from governmental agencies and online books.



Technologies that appear in the study can be quoted as complement to the cluster text. Researchers should always use the full title of the technology or the title plus the letter "s", which usually configures plural. The link to the technology will be created automatically if added on TDB, so no code lines are needed.


Using quotes is a good editorial resource when they are bold and not exceed more than two lines of text.

"quoted text"(-Author)[link of the publication]

We believe innovation must be followed by diversity. Commonly, researchers are used to quote authors from a Western canon, but the world is wide and the dimensions of arguments and insights are likewise. In this sense, we highly recommend researchers and editors to look for a variety of discourses that can support novel ideas and triggers for a stimulating narrative.


Cluster texts should have at least 3000 characters long and adress the following topics:

The cluster descriptions should start in a Google Document (evXXX - Project Name - Cluster Description) and once is edited, reviewed and approved, it should be added to the TDB by the editor of the project.

TDB Tutorial

How to add a trend on TDB

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