An attachment entry on TDB (Technology Database) for bibliographic references and additional sources of content for technologies, organizations, and projects.
In order to explore new technologies, a great source for novel ideas generally come from science fiction novels and stories, academic articles, patents and media. It is important that the researchers focus their efforts on sources that have a better chance of reflecting the brief's directions, please discuss with the head of research specific necessities of the project.
Science Fiction
Science fiction has an important role in accelerating (or stagnating) technological developments. As any fictional story, Sci-Fi has the power to inspire new ideas or to prohibit them from ever becoming reality. For our projects, science fiction is key to spark technological references, and researchers should always look for technologies with a science fiction background.
Academic Articles
Researchers should prioritize information from the academic field. If they find something interesting in the media, they should go to the sources of the piece and understand which white papers it was based.
An intellectual property to grant the title of creator for the individual, company, enterprise or collective that have invented any object, technology, idea, or concept.
Technical Press
Specialized technical publications.
Popular Press
Researchers should avoid this type of media as much as possible and use it as a guide for capturing more in-depth sources. Example: Singularity Hub, The Verge, Futurism.
In order to explore new technologies we use science fiction, academic articles, patents and media as sources. It's important that the researchers focus their efforts on sources that have a better chance of reflecting the brief's directions, please discuss with the head of research specific necessities of the project.
Suggested Sources
Academic Articles
Technical Press
If researchers find difficulty finding patents, they should try to search for patents related to organizations that are prominent in the targeted field of study.
Source Standards
An attachment entry on TDB for bibliographic and additional sources of content to back up technologies, organizations and projects.
General Guidelines
All technologies must have at least three sources
Sources should preferabpre be less than 6 months old
Sources should be original (patents, white papers, etc) when possible
Clear it from any other information (ex: Who’s Afraid Of AI? Senior Creatives, Mostly | Co.Design ; US3565368A - Solar energy balloon - Google Patents)
Minimal resolution (72 dpi)
Min 600x800) that illustrates the linked content
If the image from the metadata isn't satisfactory, upload an image that illustrates the linked content
Don't add graphs, poorly made illustrations, images with texts embed or cropped images
Select which type of source is the material:
Sci-fi: written and audiovisual science fiction material
Media: articles and news produced by the public media
Academic: research papers produced inside labs and universities
Books: all books except for those with sci-fi content
Talks/Interviews: talks and interviews, audiovisual or transcripted
Product page: product pages that differ from the organization related to it, exceptions apply when the product is the organization.
Summarize the content of the attachment using average of 300 characters
You can use content from the abstract of the article, but edit it to make it shorter, simpler and without commercial tone
TDB Tutorial
How to add a source
Last updated